DJ Hunt's Personal Shout Out!
5th June 2009
I know that I've been MIA for very very long indeed. Sorry for making you loyal dj-hunters to wait for months! But I promise you this time that...
Lots of features coming soon...
- DJ Hunt Favourite Of The Month (Send me an email with the title - "FOTM")!
- Tagboard for Djhunters
- Polls and Surveys
- Sponsored competitions
- and any other features that you all would like this site to have! just throw in your suggestions!
If you would like to affiliate with me as well, do let me know!
Korean Restaurant along Orchard Road
Looking for Full/Part time waiters/waitresses, Full time Supervisors and Assistant Managers.
Foregin student from GOV school or Singaporean/PR welcome to apply
For an interview: SMS or call 93834002.
Thank you.
Do visit our subsidiary website for job hunting tips. Cheers!
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