Front desk admin (Suntec City Tower 1) (1 position female only)
- Pleasant and good with social interaction of clients
- Able to converse well in English and Mandarin
- Score well in the looks department
- needs to handle incoming calls and inquiries
- able to handle MS word and Exel
- Singaporean or PR only
We're a premium business service provider. Please email with your resume, expected salary and full length photo, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Do visit our subsidiary website for job hunting tips. Cheers!
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5th June 2009
Lots of features coming soon...
- DJ Hunt Favourite Of The Month (Send me an email with the title - "FOTM")!
- Tagboard for Djhunters
- Polls and Surveys
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- and any other features that you all would like this site to have! just throw in your suggestions!
If you would like to affiliate with me as well, do let me know!
Front Desk Admin Wanted (Suntec City Tower 1)
Posted by orangutan at 9:49 AM
Labels: admin jobs, central region, full time
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